How do I know if my child qualifies for CNA services?


CNA services are based on age specific needs of the client. CNAs complete/assist with ADLS (activities of daily living). These include bathing, dressing, toileting, feeding, etc.

How do I know if my child qualifies for CNA services?2022-04-19T22:55:49+00:00

Will my insurance cover CNA and therapy services?


CNA services are only covered by Medicaid. Private insurance and/or Medicaid will cover therapy services. The type and number of therapy visits covered depends on the individual insurance plan.

Will my insurance cover CNA and therapy services?2022-04-19T22:57:06+00:00

How are CNA hours determined for my child?


A Registered Nurse (RN) comes to your home and completes an assessment using the Pediatric Acuity Tool. This tool is an objective assessment of your child’s needs. The points earned [...]

How are CNA hours determined for my child?2022-04-19T22:58:36+00:00

What is the pediatric acuity tool?


This is an assessment document that is required by the state. It must be completed on all clients who qualify for CNA hours. It is completed by your agency and [...]

What is the pediatric acuity tool?2022-04-19T22:59:22+00:00